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Reducing Our Footprint

The majority of the flowers we carry are grown in Ontario and purchased from local farmers through the Ontario Flower Growers Co-op. Buying local means our products are fresher, are bought in season so are of a high quality and there is less travel involved and therefore less pollution.
Flowers that can't be obtained from local growers (such as orchids and roses) are purchased from local wholesalers that are committed to providing superior products from environmentally and socially responsible farms in countries such as Ecuador and Colombia. These farms have made a commitment to reducing pesticide use, prohibiting child labour and providing health care for their staff. There are several different certification programs such as Veriflora that provide a guarantee to consumers that these high standards are being met. Many of the roses we carry are grown hydroponically, which requires very little pesticide use.

On a smaller local level, Periwinkle encourages customers to bring in their own vases and containers for reuse and we keep a tight control on our flower inventory to keep waste to a minimum. Any organic product that is no longer saleable is put into the city's composting garbage program and paper and cardboard products are also recycled where possible.